• Re-Wear It Over, Over, and Over Again.

    Re-Wear It Over, Over, and Over Again.
    We live in a day in age where according to Twitter, "once you post a picture, you can never wear it again." This is far from the truth when it comes to my closet. If I spend my hard-working money on clothes, I must continue to re-wear them until I can no longer. The average person rewears clothing only seven times before discarding it,...
  • Hosting Thanksgiving 101

    Hosting Thanksgiving 101
    Hosting Thanksgiving is a significant deal, especially if it's your first time. From the preparation to the cooking, there's a lot to be done. It's essential to create a welcoming space for family and friends. Adding subtle home decor that is festive also makes a difference. Remember to tell everyone when dinner starts and bring whatever dish they were assigned. Hosting Thanksgiving can be...
  • Let's Make Some Fall Plans

    Let's Make Some Fall Plans
    Most people enjoy the summer because there are unlimited plans that you can make. You see why it's easy to call up your girls and find something to do for random beach days to amusement park vibes. As the summer slowly ends, you wonder what's there to do on the cooler days ahead. If you're anything like me, this is why you love Fall....
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